Thursday, November 7, 2019

Do You Believe Enough to See Your Dead Arise?
by El Nahtan Ben Da Seer (oblivion)

John Chapter 11

JESUS looks at Mary and Martha and told them and the people of Judea, that had just wanted to kill Him,that they would see the glory of GOD. It is from this passage that I had to ask myself is anything too late for GOD. Just because something looks like its past its time, not with GOD. Sometimes JESUS waits until it is good and stinky, decayed, past the time---the time men have calculated that it could be saves or revives---when he saves and revives; sometimes GOD has to wait until all human hope and capabilities have been exhausted. When everyone has written you off and have placed you in the tombs of 'remembered no more', even though they mourn for you now you soon will be forgotten. But GOD is not finished with you yet 'Bishop'. From death to life and from grace to grace in Christ we are victorious. It's not over until GOD says that it's over. You may have had grave clothes that are now binding you to your state, but GOD's glory is not bound not limited to earthly laws for HE is the creator and decider of every path that men take not matter what the circumstances dictate they must bow to the will of the heavenly FATHER that knows how to get glory out of every situation. You who are the chosen of GOD their is an appointed time in which only righteous feet  will touch the redeemed heaven and earth. Great defender it is so much better your way.
JESUS looked at the disciples and tried to explain to them that Judea like most of this generation have been blinded and live in darkness and now that HE is here they will see a great light. We All have been a victim of seeing in the dark and thinking we have seen it all, Thomas even made the comment to return to Judea was going back for them to kill him and made the comment let is go back and die with him. What seemed like a noble comment still held true to Thomas' name doubting Thomas, and I have been him many times thinking that I knew the end of a matter; when on reality all I had to do was believe what the  LORD had told me. Trying to understand heavenly response with earthly understanding is to be wrong all the time.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Revelation 2:20 YUK

Unveiling Revelations

By Nathaniel Akers

In the Book of Revelation, God reveals to His servant John

One of the primary criticisms of Jezebel given in Revelation was that she misled people into sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols. (Revelation 2:20) It’s no wonder the focus has been on the first of those two. Sex sells, after all, and not many people have to worry about temptation to idol worship in modern America
Food sacrificed to idols created considerable problems in the early church, even though Christians did not participate in the sacrifices themselves. At the council of Jerusalem, one of the four things the apostles determined they should tell new Gentile Christians to avoid was “food sacrificed to idols.” (Acts 15:29) Paul devoted three chapters of 1 Corinthians to the subject. Clearly it was considered a most important topic.
Most of Paul’s discussion addressed the freedom believers had in Christ and when to decline exercising that freedom for the sake of another person’s conscience. He began by acknowledging that idols were nothing, there being only one real God. Therefore, eating meat that had been sacrificed to an idol had no significance in terms of one’s faith. (1 Corinthians 8:4-6)
However, before their conversion, some believers had worshiped those idols and might find any kind of association with their old lifestyle either offensive to their new faith or a temptation to return to the old. Paul recommended shunning such meals in order to avoid causing problems for these new believers. (1 Corinthians 8:7-13) In chapter 10, he further elaborated by suggesting that when a Christian was invited to dinner, he should simply not ask where the meat came from. Just quietly enjoy the meal. However, if someone pointed out that the food had been sacrificed to an idol, that would be an indication that the person might have a problem with it, and you should decline to eat it. (1 Corinthians 10:23-30)
Food Sacrificed to idol:
1. represented the old practices [the unchanged mind and practices of the old man (carnal man- carnal mind)] that worshiped things other than the true and living GOD...stay away from you old practices of worshiping what GOD despises; food prepared contrary to GOD's dietary laws. 
Paul’s treatment of the subject raises a few questions. In 8:10, he referred to “eating in an idol’s temple.” Why would a Christian ever be in a pagan temple, eating or otherwise? Also, if eating food sacrificed to idols was nothing, why did the apostles place such great emphasis on abstaining from it, and why did Jesus reprimand those in both Pergamum (Revelation 2:14) and Thyatira for the practice? Was Paul establishing criteria different from the rest of the church?
As might be expected, there is more to this food than is readily apparent. Several types of meals made use of food sacrificed to idols, and not all were harmless fellowship. The meals ranged from simple dinners in private homes to lavish banquets and public religious rituals. Even private dinner parties had the potential to involve idol worship in some form.
“Eat anything sold in the meat market without raising questions of conscience.” (1 Corinthians 10:25)
The evidence suggests that there were two kinds of meat available when a person went shopping. Varro, writing about husbandry in the first century B.C., identified two different destinations for cattle. Some were intended for normal butcher shops and others were “being fattened for the public sacrifices.” (Varro, Rerum Rusticarum 2.1) Butchers who bought cattle for normal sale were more concerned with the health of the animal. “Those who buy for the altar do not usually stipulate for health in their victims.” (Rerum Rusticarum 2.5) Though it wasn’t directly stated, meat offered to idols and resold in the marketplace would be less expensive, but there was also less assurance of quality.   
2. These sacrifices apparently did end up in the marketplace, sold at a discount and the proceeds considered part of the income for the priest or for the temple. STARVING THOSE IN THE PRIESTHOOD AND REJECTING GOD'S LEVITICUS CODE.
Emoluments having shares in the sacrifices: “Likewise they remit to holders of honorable offices, or of posts as prophet or scribe, or of other sacred offices in the temples, the arrears owed in the temples for the emoluments demanded on certain occasions.”  
WE will give to pagans, demons, the fallen what belongs to the prophet, priest, or King.
Sometimes it is better to not know where the food came from.Paul believed that the sacrifice did not make the meat any better or worse than other food. He advocated not even asking where the meat came from. This seems to be the type of food intended in 1 Corinthians 8, the discounted meat sold to the public after it had been sacrificed.
Eating foods sacrificed to idols was almost like a public consent. Stop publicly consenting to things that you know are not GOD.
Unfortunately for early Christians, meals often had overt connections to idol worship, and this was the type of meat that concerned James and the other apostles. Public sacrifice to pagan gods usually involved a banquet. The feast was an integral part of the ritual and was often spoken of in ancient literature. ( Memorable Deeds and Sayings 2.2.9; 2.4.5; Ovid, Fasti 2.512-532; 6.169-182; Livy, The History of Rome 25.12; to name a few.Religious implications spilled into private meals as well. Describing the way a family sacrifice should be made...
Eating sacrificed meat meant consuming what is offered as a sign of solidarity, stop taking what the Devil has offered your appetite.
It also meant taking the practices of what you have been taught. RITUALS AND CEREMONIES NOT TAUGHT BY GOD. Religious implications spilled into private meals as well. Describing the way a family sacrifice should be made, Cato the Elder spoke of the importance of the meal. “After the ceremony is over,” he instructed, “consume the offering on the spot at once.”

NOTE: In the book of Enoch GOD is very upset that Semaja (the leader of the run away angels, who ran to human women out of lust) and the other run away's have come and taught mankind all kinds of seducing and destructive arts. 
Clearly such a meal carried religious implications a little different from simply getting together with friends. Added to that was the fact that many dinner gatherings were held in temples.
Banqueting halls were built for religious banquets and used for feast celebrations of all kinds, not unlike the way church reception halls are used for things like wedding receptions or anniversaries today.The idea of meals being shared with a god permeated most of Roman society. Simple dinner invitations often alluded to the presence of gods. “The god calls you to a banquet,” read one such invitation. (P.Köln I 57) In another, Chaeremon invited his guests to “dinner at the table of the lord Sarapis,” a Greek-Egyptian god. (P.Oxy. I 110) To the Roman mind, every time a meal was prepared, it commemorated a relationship to the gods.
Paul and James were aware of these other aspects of food sacrificed to idols. “Flee from idolatry,” Paul wrote. (1 Corinthians 10:14) One who ate the sacrificial food in the context of worship participated in the altar to which the food was sacrificed. (1 Corinthians 10:18) Which meant association with demons.“The sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons.” (1 Corinthians 10:20).The term for these sacrificial offerings was eidolothutosThe history of this word, however, indicates nuances of meaning slightly different in the first century than the modern meaning. he Latin word for “sacrifice,” sacrificare, was not limited to the act of slaughtering an animal. It referred to any act by which something was put into the possession of a god. (Greek and Roman Animal Sacrifice: Ancient Victims, Modern Observers, pp. 92-93)On the surface, Paul appears to have taken two views on the subject. On the one hand, food offered to idols was nothing and could be eaten with a clean conscience, as long as it did not offend others. On the other hand, eating sacrificial meat was participating in the altar of demons. Underlying his comments in 1 Corinthians is the implication that motivation matters. Many considerations might prompt Christians to participate in various meals with their pagan friends or associates. It might be good for business to network with others. It might enhance social standing and prestige to be seen with the “right” people. Some might have craved the entertainment of Roman banquets.
Your participation in the rituals and ceremonies of those that worship demons and are against GOD. It is clear that the teachings, rituals, and belief was at the center of what GOD was talking about in the bible in the sacrifices of thins sacrificed to  idols. TACID APPROVAL
The term “food offered to idols” also appears in 1 Corinthians 8:1,1 Corinthians 8:4,1 Corinthians 8:7,1 Corinthians 8:10 and 1 Corinthians 10:19 (some manuscripts include it in 1 Corinthians 10:28 ). At Corinth, Paul had plunged into the pagan world in an attempt to bring them the message of Christ. Probably most of his converts were acquainted with the practice of using the leftover portions of a sacrifice for sale or celebration. It is not difficult to imagine a problem emerging as to whether a Christian was doing wrong by the public or private use of food that had been devoted to a pagan deity.
Can a persons faith be put on display by what he or she eats or drinks whether in private or in publc, it is the practice that GOD is concerned with, the rituals was are counter intuitive to everything instructed in Leviticus and practice first hand by JESUS CHRIST.

Causing a weaker brother to sin. In 1 Corinthians 8:4-13, Paul clarifies the teaching on this subject. First, he says that eating meat offered to an idol is not immoral, because “an idol is nothing at all.” An idol is an inanimate object. “Food,” he says, “does not bring us near to God; we are no worse if we do not eat, and no better if we do.” The meat itself is amoral. However, there is more to consider, namely the brother with a weak conscience. Some believers, especially those with a background of idol worship, were still very sensitive concerning this issue and considered it morally wrong to eat meat sacrificed to idols. Under no circumstances, Paul says, should a believer encourage another believer to violate his conscience. To the pure, all things are pure (Titus 1:15), but to one with a weak conscience, meat taken from pagan temples was spiritually defiled. It would be better never to eat meat again than to cause a believer to sin against his conscience.

Why is it that the deepest revelation comes at a time when a person is experiencing great personal persecution. There is something about intense human suffering that opens the soul to divine understanding. GOD in HIS perfect timing rescues the psyche with hope even though the body might remain in peril or trouble. There is always a breaking before the making it is when this process is completed that GOD begins to use what's inside. Like the cracking of an egg the outer shell is only the protection for what's inside. Treasures lie within the earthen vessel. Revelation therefore is not just a future hope it is the 'crescendo' of GOD's plans for humanity.Paradise is no longer a garden, but a kingdom; Man is not just man but a priest; time is no longer limited but eternal, and JESUS is not just a risen savior but a conquering KING! 
Revelation carries a double blessing (Duo-Baracah):
1. reading it aloud to give HOPE to the believes, those suffering for the sake of the gospel.
2.To those who do what they hear in this prophecy
Take the iron of righteous to your wrinkles of sin . For the churches in Revelation represents the spirit of the people. Even though GOD offers mankind a eternal kingdom, Christ's takes great effort in making sure John records the results of HIS disapproval for the action that get's churches( a person) removed from the lamb's book of life and their lights put out. There is hope for the future and also responsibility for the believers to maintain there believers status. This directly contradicts the once saved always saved doctrine (see Ezekiel 33). Revelation therefore written for the believer to find hope in the coming kingdom. Stand firm in a glorious hope and a victorious end. Knowing that CHRIST has conquered all should encourage the saints to hold on to a steadfast faith. One day those clouds won't be a rainstorm they will be the coming of the LORD. The curtain will be pulled back and all the world will see HIM. And even the ones that pierced HIM  will behold the coming of the King. No longer these corrupt earthly governments and rulers to a righteous king. No longer tainted with the bloodlines of earthly kings but a divine spiritual bloodline of Christ.
Today most of us have got the church part perfected, the shout, the dance, the praise, the worship in song even our giving and our labor, but where we fail as the church and even as individuals is in PATIENT ENDURANCE. The staying power when things may not play out like we like. The ability to do GOD's will when the only reward is the coming kingdom and a future hope. In the age of prosperity we want it now. Becoming an instant, microwave society where there is no such thing as delayed satisfaction but instant gratification. I am not in authority to criticize, but a observation I can make based on the word of GOD. Our best is yet to come don't become ENAMORED by this world and the lies and seductions that it presents. For instance owning a wonderful home is great but the scriptures teach us that in Christ's FATHERS's house (our GOD) their are many mansions. Just remember we have to be what the Son can take home to His Father as a bride. And let us not be fooled JESUS will say to those who do not follow His commands -I can not take you to my Father  for you have worked iniquity.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Better to be Punished than to be Destroyed....

It Is Better To Be Punished Than to be Destroyed.....

Isaiah 10:25 
The Lord Will Punish Assyria
24 The Sovereign Lord Almighty says to his people who live in Zion, “Do not be afraid of the Assyrians, even though they oppress you as the Egyptians used to do. 25 In only a little while I will finish punishing you, and then I will destroy them.
God's people are being punished for their rejection of HIM and the laws and direction the LORD has instructed them to take. GOD is so upset with HIS people that Isaiah in the previous chapter records that GOD has hidden himself from HIS people, which goes to the existence of those that belong to HIM. IN the chapters that preceded GOD uses the prophet to illustrate, prophesy, tell, direct, and foretell that a great punishment is overdue for these rebellious once favored of the LORD. Fear can never adequately describe the horrors that they will face from the Assyrian horded who the LORD wills like a tool. But then the tool started thinking that it was more important than the hand that willed it. GOD in his anger to chasten his own by the hand of those fierce and mean tells his people that the time of fear and dread will end, but that HE will destroy those that plot the destruction of the ones HE has chosen but corrected. If we glance at the record that GOD has told Isaiah to record then we see that GOD is nothing to be taken lightly, that HE is serious about HIS laws and ordinances, and even more HE hates pride and arrogance. In fact it was the boasting and the pride that caused HIM to destroy Assyria. So just because you win a battle doesn't mean that you will enjoy the spoil. Never forget that GOD grants victory over enemies. IT is GOD that is due the respect, praise, and honor---and HIM alone. To praise the tool and not the hand is a prescription for disaster as Assyria will soon find out. Don't ever think that GOD will use you to correct another and not correct you---you better hope that your pride has not puffed you up so that it is better to be punished than destroyed.
In my arrogance GOD has humbled me to where I have slept and lived in the dust. IN retrospect one could ague that GOD has turned his back on me (hidden himself from me). Yet, I see that GOD has been merciful to me in not destroying me and allowing me to see his correction. The truth is that GOD has been long suffering with my rebellion and bad choices, though HE has chastened me ----HE has chastened the one HE loves. I see HIS punishment as HIS love and it's better to be punished than destroyed. I am guilty before HIM, even of death. That's right I should be on death row right now and all the demons in hell would be awaiting my arrival----yet GOD has spoken grace over my life and mercy for my failures. I AM  FACE DOWN BEFORE HIM ---IN ADORATION!!!!!
Every time you see anything from me I urge even demand that you go after the indwelling HOLY SPIRIT of ACTS that is a free gift from GOD to all those that come to HIM out of a pure heart with right motives and have confessed that CHRIST IS LORD! Once God seals you---you will have the excellency of HIS SPIRIT in your earthen vessel. And you will be a SPIRITUAL Vessel for HIM to use. You will be the tool and HE the hand, but never forget that it is HIS hand that wills the tool.
So if GOD has corrected you then you know HE will restore you. IT is GOD that tell you to not be afraid though the enemy that defeated you still oppresses you. Assyria represents any enemy that has gained carnal victory because of our spiritual failure. You may feel defeated right now BUT GOD tells you head up, shoulders back because HE will once again come to your aide. HE had to punish you so HE wouldn't have to destroy you, but HE wants you to trust HIM again. Assyria represents the mind that do not recognize the spiritual center of it's universe; it believes that it is it's own spiritual center and strength. GOD will send to you what you have been calling for and when it comes you are not going to like it. IT is a destructive and undisciplined mind; the Assyrian mind was the mind that believed in the formed over the unformed; materialistic over the spiritual. Israel was being attacked by those who possessed the minds that they were morphing into. They were spiritually becoming the formed, undisciplined, materialistic mind and that's who GOD sent to correct them----yet seeing the end result of that mindset which was pride, arrogance, and boasting--- it led to destruction. Fast loot, easy plunder and the Assyrian came running with their weapons drawn. Be careful that the things that you gather don't become bait for the enemy to come knocking. Carnal opulence is not a good indicator of soul wellness. You can be favored by things and rejected by GOD. 

When the Hurt are the Ones that are Hurting...

A Talk with GOD and the emotions that flooded my mind after HE stopped hugging me...

When we are hurting, though we might not recognize that we do it, but we project our pain to everyone. In Fact, many of us are so angry we want others to feel out pain on purpose. Showing weakness is not an option so many of us never really can tell others that we  are damaged.  We over compensate with too much strength----since love is seen as a weakness we are afraid to give it away.  We hide it in a stronghold which is a place that is a cave in a mountain where you feel protected in isolation nothing can come in and nothing can get out. Anyone that stays in darkness too long will eventually surrender to the voices of his madness---the longer that you stay in the louder it becomes until it is all you know and it begins to drawn out the voice of  GOD. ( Noah).
How many of you are hiding because you are hurting. What if you healing was in the same place that you where hurt? What if he knife in your back was from GOD? We run from GOD thinking that HE is the one causing all of our pain when in reality HE is operating on us attaching himself to us so that HE might seem on our back to have our back. So that when HE finishes with you you will do greater, be better, and stand stronger for longer.
The rainbow which became a sign in the days of Noah represented that GOD had calculated the weakness of man and HE would never allow man to cause HIM to drawn everything in it's sorrows . Instead HE would give everyone the opportunity for  being saved after being warned, and making a way of escape.

John chapter

The bible tells us that Nazareth became offended at Jesus wisdom and teachings. So GOD began to speak to me (and maybe you) about the "OFFENDED MIND". What emotions do the spirit of offense bring:
1. the spirit of offense brings a "CLOSED MIND", when a person begins to shut down on listening and receiving. They no longer want to hear any thing you have to say. The dialogue has ended when people get offended. Proverbs says that a 'fool' despises wisdom and knowledge. Talking to someone who has shut down is like teaching a rock to walk. A closed mind means that nothing can get in. IGNORING YOU AND IGNORING GOD becomes the attitude of a closed mind. When a person ignores GOD they refuse to hear the spirit man, they have overpowered the willingness of their spirit. GOD has a response to those that ignore HIS WISDOM....Proverbs when you get in trouble. I will laugh at you when terror strikes when it comes on you like a storm bringing the fierce winds of trouble and you are in pain and misery. Then you will call for wisdom, but I will not answer (I will ignore your pleas for help even as yo have ignored my (Wisdom) cries to teach you the knowledge of the LORD.

Prayer: God forgive me for turning from wisdom and knowledge, knowing that you had to ignore me for my correction. Thank you for the blood of JESUS that restored me.

Chapter 2 of Proverbs verses 9 begins to contrast with a open mind and a listening spirit the opening the soul and guides the actions of the carnal being. Obediently desiring to listen and follow GOD. This is what Proverbs says: "if you listen to me, you will know what is right and just and fair, You will know what you should do. You will become wise and your knowledge will give you pleasure your insight and understanding will protect you and understanding will protect you from doing what is wrong. They will keep you away from people who stir up trouble by what they say.; those who have abandoned a righteous life to live in the darkness of sin those who find pleasure in doing wrong and who enjoy senseless evil, unreliable people who you cannot trusted."

2. This offended mind can be a violent mind. Acted out it not only despises your words it (the offended mind) begins to loathe your spirits hunger for the wisdom of GOD and the authority of that wisdom to rule your life. The carnal mind despises the spirits attempt to control and guide the soul. It begins to fight back. It is not wanting to heat the wisdom of GOD that the carnal mind turns violent and seeks to silence the wisdom. THEY WANT JESUS TO BE SUBDUED. In the spiritual language we use the term QUENCH the spirit to mean to stop or stifle it, also like throwing water on the fire. In fact, they seek carnal solutions for their spiritual deafness. Just like the carnal likes to fight the spiritual, the people wanted to lay hands on JESUS but HIS hour had not yet come. Not only do they slam it against opportunity. Not allowing WISDOM to come in means not allowing success to get out.
a. the rejection of the moral and the divine law
b.They didn't want their wrong to be exposed
c. Truth Hurts, causes injury, makes uncomfortable
d. to cause dislike, anger, or vexation
e. to make obsolete is to cause another to sin and fall

Transgression begins with a statue a code, a law the is violated---people can not say that they di not understand the expectation of GOD. When a moral standard is brought to the people they had a habit of demoralizing the messenger and attacking them physically.
 let's take a closer look at the word Offended:

OFFENDOUTRAGEAFFRONTINSULT mean to cause hurt feelings or deep resentment. OFFEND need not imply an intentional hurting but it may indicate merely a violation of the victim's sense of what is proper or fitting.  hoped that my remarks had not offended her  OUTRAGE implies offending beyond endurance and calling forth extreme feelings.  outraged by their accusations AFFRONT implies treating with deliberate rudeness or contemptuous indifference to courtesy.  deeply affronted by his callousness  INSULT suggests deliberately causing humiliation, hurt pride, or shame.  insulted every guest at the part

Friday, July 26, 2019

Sometime I pout like a baby, but I am not gonna get mad with my beautiful heavenly Father over no earthly rust and steel. Not gonna miss my time with my Father over no bike. What ever the LORD decides that I need is what I have today. LORD please forgive me for the thoughts that come into my mind that I must take out. I will tell HIM that I am hurt and has enough I will return to blessing HIS name I have wasted enough time and I have made HIM second to all this foolishness. NO MORE ENOUGH ENOUGH!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

 Will it Ever Come Again?

by Nathaniel Akers
April 27 2019

a  I've come to this place called lonely,
b  hoping  my heart will survive this conquest.
a  This is not what is meant by the 'one and only',
b  getting older as I feel that I regress.
c  If loneliness was a bear I am being mauled,
c  fighting back but my courage has been stalled

a  I can not say it's not my fault
b  I needed fire to test my pure gold
a  Since flavor can never return to the salt
b  there's no promise of wisdom when your old.
c  Pressure mounts from this constant assault
c  If the devil had his way he'd bring me to a screeching halt

a  My brain keeps my thoughts always hurting
b  the result of a mind that is confused
a  My life is becoming so disconcerting
b  because my comfortable got use to being abused.
c  These lies keep drowning out my truth
c  retarding everything that the spirit grew.

a   My rain clouds are thunderstorms of sorrows,
b   instead of gone they always seem to come back.
a  My todays are destroying my tomorrows
b  because today unleashes it's full attack
c  Yet my soul still fights though it's in pain
c  whatever lost, will it ever come again?



Psalm 40:12
 David talks about being afraid--his troubles multiplying--feeling like his sins had caught up with him. Sin kills the blessed assurance with regret, because of a guilty past that won't let you forget, nor will it let you go free Every chance it tries to remind you of the time that you screwed it up. Don't allow your disappointment with self become a paralyzing fear.  Your courage was once brazen and bold, now it 'tippy toes'--instead of walking with your head up, you walk with your head down, eyes toward the ground telling the world that you are defeated. And your disappearing courage is a example of your will' being broken.
But Jesus' indwelling Holy Spirit is a helper in times of trouble and a restorer to those that have gotten lost. 911 to GOD is a result of losing the presence of GOD's divine power, with the exception of JESUS, that is always due to our sin consciousness (running from GOD) adding to it our guilty mind that attempts to avoid "all thoughts GOD" which make weak and unsure steps. We are more confident in life when we are obedient to GOD. A Spirit that is Holy and alive is a man with his head up, shoulders back and bouncing on his toes. David said, Psalms 18:29 thee I have run through a troop or leaped over a wall... his confidence was in the relationship he had with GOD, feeling like he could accomplish anything. GOD is our confidence. Jehovah Nissi describes that confidence as 'GOD is our banner'...What is a banner? it is  object of unity; GOD is where we unify, what we have in common; what is left when all else fails. Banners give hope for those in battle, increase determination to those fighting. Reminding those that are in a fight for their lives that we are not fighting alone. it is a object of hope and is what' left standing when the victory has been won. He is our confidence. So David cries to GOD--- 'HELP ME, GOD' in the midst of his troubles, but the cry for help is not just for the change of circumstances it is for the courage to be strong again. Sin destroys confidence and lowers esteem, but only against those who feel they have disappointed GOD. Reading the Psalms we can be sure that David will be honest with GOD---- Help me, GOD and while you do that can you punish my enemies (the ones that defeated me, disgraced me, embarrassed me, confused me, even tried to kill me...stand me up, while you yank them down. To regain what trouble threatened and sin destroyed--faith in GOD and confidence in self. v.17 Keep me on your mind, GOD...Don't forget about me since I am poor and needy. Once again we see the desperate seeking GOD. Man's "HELP ME" becomes a battle cry for GOD to help him against his enemies. To elevate him above his circumstances. Past sins have left him weak and he need GOD to prop him up again.

Head up, shoulder hope, and love stay in...Praise come out !!!!


Friday, May 10, 2019



by El Nahtan DaSeer

Unless someone is performing magic tricks and doing something exciting we fail to believe in GOD and in them, or the ones that GOD has sent. Today we refuse to recognize truth without the miracles in real time. We want everything to be must see TV. And that spirit has been in the land for a long time. Fortunately or unfortunately so many people are in need of miracles that desperation has given way to at least believing in what we see--what the person at least does, even if we are not sure at first glance of who they are.


Jesus told the people in John chapter 4 that they won't believe unless they see something happening that was amazing something exciting something that would fascinate them; something that others can't do or that they can't do themselves. Verse 50 describes the people that need help believe sometimes more than the ones that can give the help. The account of the dying royal officials son in John 4:46-54 is the power of GOD's WORD to perform where he send it and to accomplish what he sent it to do. It is the demonstration of the word that didn't return unto Him void. And if it doesn't return unto him void then it fulfilled designed purpose and appointed time. IT GOES WHERE HE SENDS AND ACOMPLISHES WHAT HE the very hour HE intends.

So while the high ranking official was rejoicing over the saving of his son. The LORD was now dealing with the people's minds that cared more about excitement than truth. Like a child that wants to see a magic show or must see reality shows that play to the peoples emotions and cater to the lust for the amazing or the impossible.  JESUS was trying to teach the people that belief starts with hearing the word of GOD and not seeing wonderful acts and exciting episodes that fascinate the mind and play into the false fantasy's of life, increasing ones imagination also increases their propensity for lies or untruths. For we live by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of GOD.
John 4:46-54 ..hearing with you heart and believing in your mind before seeing with your eyes. Faith comes not by sight...

AT WHAT TIME DID HE GET BETTER (at what time did you get better?)

As soon as JESUS said he (you) would and you believed in other words he got better YESTERDAY...the better you, began in your past and has worked it's way into your future. Sometimes you need that 'yesterday' blessing. Enjoying today what GOD had already prepared for us yesterday. Some blessings are not on the way to you, you are on the way to them. Times when others become so excited about what GOD HAS DONE FOR YOU that they come running to tell you before you have seen it for yourself. In fact, it's been waiting on you since yesterday; some will go and find the blessing at home, waiting since you left looking for it. Our todays, our future blessings based on GOD's past word. When yesterday has spoken into your today. JUST BECAUSE IT'S IS A OLD PROMISE DOESN'T MEANT THAT IT CAN'T BE A NEW MANIFESTATION...IT CAN BE THE FORMER AND THE LATTER RAIN. GOD only needs a womb of belief to put a seed of promise in to conceive a manifested truth. When you really want something accomplished in you life then you really need to improve you ability to hear GOD and do whatever he say's like Mary told them at the wedding feast when HE turned the water into a vintage Chablis.

When things seem like they are going ill and it is almost over. The situations is close to the grave and you are trying anything out of desperation, even willing to try JESUS. You are willing for GOD to have the final word. You would travel any distance and seek out whoever you think has the answer, you don't care about title, rank, you only care about cure. Knowing that GOD did it before you would ask or think so it would be ready when you need it the most, not knowing yet that you needed HIM the most. LORD, I need it now----it's been ready since yesterday about the same hour I spoke it.


The believe in verse 43 obviously does not have the same meaning as the 'believe' in verse 54.  The conjunctive adverb 'then' tells us what happen at this point, an  act has occurred here and it uses the word 'believe' again that is different from the use in verse 43 to express the relationship with the giver of the miracle and the ones or family that is receiving the miracle. The' believe' in verse 43 means to believe that he has been given the special power to perform miracles, no different than a witch doctor or a Egyptian priest. So  in  a Father's desperation he only came for the man that works miracles and really didn't fully grasp in whose presence he was really in. He cared mores about the power in his hand than the person whose hand possessed the power. But then the miracle opened up his heart and his family, the bible records that he and his family 'believed'---this time not just in the miracle and the power of the man that willed it, but in the miracle being done by someone that was more than a person that had the power to heal, he believed in the Messiah, JESUS as the SON OF GOD. So then a true encounter goes beyond what He has done to who He is. NOT ONLY AFTER THE  MIRACLE  BUT THE MIRACLE MAKER

I remember getting myself into a trouble that I almost got me carried away from here, unaware of the danger I was in until I heard a shout from heaven. SATAN! I know that sounds strange but I don't care what people think. when I tell you what I did next it ought to tell you if something really happened. I fell down on the concrete and wept until cars were stopping to see what was going on---I wasn't weeping because I was afraid, though I should have been, not because I was confused---I WAS WEEPING BECAUSE I HEARD THE VOICE OF GOD---YALL I TELL YOU I COULDN'T CATCH MY BREATHE....IN HIS VOICE WAS A INDESCRIBIBLE LOVE

Spiritual Desperation

Going the last mile for your child...a father going for help is a powerful demonstration of desperation. Anyone with children especially if they have been hurt or sick, there's is no where we wouldn't go an nothing we wouldn't do. But how about your spiritual baby that has been sick for  a long time? Would you let that child that GOD has impregnated you with die or would you seek the one that can cure anything; would you call on GOD even if you didn't fully understand who he was. You at least knew what he was capable of. Sometimes GOD has to wait for us to get physically desperate to speak  not just to our physical but also to our spiritual condition. Extreme despair makes one go after what is needed aggressively. Some of us have been too passive about our relationship and the influence GOD wants us to have. Some of us have needed spiritual 911 for a long time. This time a bandage want do...the wound has gotten so bad that it's leaking profusely.  GOD told Israel when they have left you for dead I am the only one that rescued you and made you desirable.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Best of What You Have and the Best of Who You Are....

by El Nahtan DaSeer


Finding out what your good at, realizing who you are---whatever you produce GOD wants it first and GOD wants your best. Your sacrifices testifies as acts of worship your best declaring your heart is grateful. Yet, there are times in our lives when what we offer is unacceptable this is one of the reasons that JESUS had to die a sacrificial death because our sacrifices had not only become unacceptable they had become offensive to GOD.  In the book of Corinthians chapter 11 Paul deals with the church about unacceptable offerings hindering communion. Your offerings carry a spirit of obedience and gratitude or rebellion and defiance; often so many do things out of obligation, frustration; mad at GOD and mad at other men. GOD CLEARLY DOESNT WANT THAT!!!! That internal boiling becomes a murderous, angry spirit that results in GOD driving a person out of HIS presence, and the lost of favor. When you sometimes feel a cold shoulder from  heaven we might want to examine what you give and how you give it. The bible clearly states that GOD wants cheerful giver, a person that counts it a privilege to give back to the giver.

What We Offer is an Act of Worship...

What we offer tells a lot about our attitude of worship. Sacrifices and offerings are part of the worship experience. You can not call yourself a worshipper if you have trouble being obedient in your sacrifices and offerings. A selfish person can not worship GOD. Dereliction of Duty, abdication of responsibility, and ignoring divine command destroys your harvest, pull up every plant by it's roots and leaves your seeds as food for the birds of prey. Where their once was wheat their will now be weed, tares, and thorns. The bible clearly teaches us that a 'enemy' has done this, but you are the ENEMY of you own success. GOD WILL NEVER ACCEPT ANYTHING LESS THAN OUR BEST; NEVER CONFUSE GOD'S LONGSUFFERING PATIENCE WITH HIS NOT EVENTUALLY PUTTING YOUR FEET TO THE FIRE TO BE OBEDIENT.

Genesis 4 says that Cain was a farmer and the his brother Abel was a Shepherd. Together they had the land on lock, in other words together their was nothing that they would have lacked, except mutual respect it seems from Cain's perspective. One possessed the livestock the other the fruits and vegetables and the grapes for the wine. Are there times in your life when you lose focus on what you are doing to envy others? And that lack of focus on doing your best ultimately morphs into negative emotions and negative experience. Frustration replaces fruition as we examine GOD instead of our own selfish intentions and we falsely reason that GOD has showed someone else favoritism. 

When you find a man contending with GOD instead of obediently obeying he will take everything from you and even bury you; he is the ultimate murderer. Selfishness, jealousy, anger, frustration leads us from acts of worship to lust and vengeance. The heart and mind 'corrupted' longing for the wrong kind of acceptance, the kind that believes that can make GOD lower HIS standard for us. The kind that wants whatever we give to be enough.  WE ARE ALL REMINDED GOD'S WORLD GOD"S RULES!!!!
Today's English Version: v.7 If you had done the right thing you would be smiling right now...

Wrong choice makes unhappy lives. When you give your best your sacrifices become a acceptable act of worship that pleases GOD. And if you fail to get it right then sin will leap on you, attacking you, especially attacking your mind and then you will have to overcome it (fight for it) or it will devour you. Bad choices become a killing field or feeding ground for sin and rebellion. Finding ourselves without the thing we need, the relationships we have destroyed because we failed to do the right thing especially standing before GOD.

The Spirit of Rejection that so many carry....

When we apply the metaphysical to the CAIN mentality we find that it causes a change in attitude disappointment, turned to furious, and then to murder. He took a situation that was meant to be a blessing and turned it into a curse. Negative attitudes and emotions will derail or stop  the flow of blessings.. The mind that wants to offer what it wants and to do what it wants will always lead to it causing the flesh to break rank and go out against who it should be teaming with. It offers GOD les than it's best becoming irate at others frustrated they got it right. You would think that a farmer would be the  first to know that bad seed bad fruit, good seed good fruit---whatever you give is what you get.

May 2019

This lesson was given to me to eat before the sun arose in Pensacola on Thursday May 8th..I was battling with a deep depression because I felt like I had given a sacrifice that was not being honored. I falsely accused GOD of ignoring my sacrifice that I thought was substantial. How many people quit jobs and sit there waiting for GOD to talk to them everyday so they can record what the Spirit teaches. Yet, at the same time I had abandoned my commands and responsibilities against GOD and against my family. My acts of sacrifice and worship was unacceptable and GOD ministered that too me. OBEDIENCE IS BETTER THAN SACRIFICE, DON"T GIVE ME WHAT YOU WANT ME TO HAVE GIVE ME WHAT I TOLD YOU TO GIVE...that's when I found out that my acts of worship had been given without sacrifices and offerings, which means they was not worship at all. What the hell was I thinking and what the hell was I doing

There are time that you didn't have because you wouldn't give

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The Youthful Servant.

by El Nahtan DaSeer

Most young people will come into this world with the ambitions, passions to find out who their greater self is. They want to navigate to the beautiful island called Utopia where there is no lack and they can buy whatever their hearts desire. But that place doesn't exist. They must find who they are and what they were designed to do. In there attempt to be someone in the world they will steadily drift away from GOD; falling away from their deep intimate relationship with the LORD.

Others will continues to aspire to the pentacle, or mountains of success, with each climb stripping their faith while they move closer and higher to the kingdoms of this world. Then one day they will awake to the sad spiritual fact that worldly success, physical growth and beauty is so unsatisfying so fleeting. SO UNIMPRESSIVE to GOD. The spiritually immature can't handle the loss of a child, the loss of a loved one, the call of GOD away from your job, homelessness, a bad marriage, a abusive spouse, diagnosed with cancer, foreclosure on your house, rejecting these worldly philosophies. The pain and confusion of the stripping and testing of your faith. A FIRE SELL when everything must go right before GOD throws you into the fires--for the purpose of purification. TOO MUCH DIRTY, FOUL attachments fused to you. When something had to be cleansed by the fire it's because the filth has penetrated and marred their beauty. The fiery trials are the ones that would kill people or causes them to kill themselves.

To measure how deep you are in the spirit you have to get out of the baby pool of the spirit, where someone can snatch you out, you can just walk out, or you can stand up....When you are diving deep you are hunted, tracked, everything and everyone is coming after you and still you keep your eye on JESUS. You refuse to move from the pain because that is where revelation is. Behind the bars, next to the ostracized, the outcast, the admitted failures, the shame, the disgrace, the heartache...they are amused by your plights and blame you for you own afflictions, assaults, attacks.
Excerpts after the LORD gave me my wings....
May. 5th 2019 I will never be the same
I can't explain it...

These are the words of ' FLAPPERIEL'


John 14:15 And I will ask the Father and He will give you another comforter (counselor)  to be with you forever. He is the Spirit of Truth...He will remain with you and in you...

Christ in chapter 14 begins dealing with the disciples about the things that they must endure. Jesus didn't just tell us that things were going to happen he did something for us and in us so that we could  being to stand against the arrows that would fly by day and the noisome destruction of the darkness.

"With them"meaning you as a disciple do not have to fight these battles alone. The Holy Spirit is the counselor and the comforter that can help you in your time of need.

And in them is the promised Spirit of GOD that was prophesied by the prophet Joel, that the Spirit would come and usher in the time of visons and dreams, the power of GOD within man. He would know have greater in him than in the world.

The Spirit like reminding me of the things that I forget

1. Most people practice on dummies before they can save others

2. GOD will always send you the worst people to create the best you

3. If you keep getting rid of only your enemies pretty soon you will be left with one and that will be you, then what?

4. The Bible is one of the few mysteries that you know who don it from the beginning

The Vision of the Kicking Child
when a child falls down kicking and screaming , what do you do?
a. pick him up---and chances are that he will do this again
b. Whoop him ----risking the chance that he will withdraw
c. IGNORE HIM, until he gets up? This may make him change his tactic

The Spirit spoke to me about David when he returned to Ziklag (home at the time) and found everything destroyed, taken, and his family gone....

 In the midst of David's frustration he didn't realize that it was time to move, because while he was dealing with the situations at home Jonathan and Saul were being killed. Just because everything around you seems like it's falling apart, it is really the enemy throwing stuff around (having a temper tantrum) because GOD has promoted you. While the enemy has destroyed his home the situation in the battlefront was just as grim; yet at the same time death  and destruction was the pathway to the throne. Everyone wants to be known and do great things, WHAT PRICE ARE YOU WILLING TO PAY...because whether you get it from heaven you will give blood or from this world you will take blood, and most times both!
David got the throne by watching his mentor die and the only best friend he had in the world killed in a battle he was forbidden to fight (in other words finding out they died while he was on the sidelines). So while his closes comrades talked of stoning him, Saul was falling on his sword and the crown was rolling to the feet of David. Even ouch can be a sound of victory... blame, frustration, things falling apart is not the sound of defeat, but of growth. .

May 5th, 2019 GOD took me in a vision and showed me Satan behind me while I got my wings, this is a not the person that you knew that's all I can sat right now...GOD HAS OPENED UP MY SPIRITUAL VISION, this is why I have been homeless for the last 14 years!!!!!

Very few times in scriptures do you read that David was knocked to his knees. Giants never did it, Kings didn't do it , kingdoms didn't do it...lions, or tigers, wolves, bears no of them did it. but I don't care how much anointing you have there is something crushing when those that are close to you, the ones that are family, and friends talk of killing you; blaming you for all that's happening to them and you.
Sometimes you want to fall apart, but everyone else is so you try to figure out how to get everyone out of this mess; you yourself are unable to grieve, or get angry, or get frustrated at the time. So the bible say' that DAVID got STRONGER IN THE LORD ( Draw nigh to me I will draw nigh to you) and draw close is what he did...even to the point that he went to ask GOD what is going on....but in his asking he also wanted to know if his plan would be approved, takin git straight to the top to GOD...IS IT WORTH GOING AFTER, SHOULD I PURSUE...I will only chase what you say is worth it...AND GOD TOLD HIM TO PLOT A COURSE STRIGHT TO "I NEED THAT BACK"

Nothing is this life is ENEMY PROOF...people will blame you for your situation and there's too...No matter how many times you have fought with them they will abandon you in your greatest battles and even fight against you as if they were your enemy...Just because people profess their love for you don't mean they won't cry for Barabbas, Barabbas, tomorrow, yelling crucify him....knowing this, your elevation will probably lead to your extermination....

The Devil will lay on you something that you don't have to carry...even though evil may have a strong pull it is not strong enough to pull against your no's, it can only pull temporarily, and you can refuse to carry it...somethings you just have to say I am not putting that in my pocket, nope.

There is no prayer, no plea, no pain, no frustration, nothing you will ever do that will stop the testing of you faith and the fiery trials that James talks about. You just have to know that if you faint in the day of adversity then your strength was small or you weren't as strong as you think you were. Zechariah you are thrown into the fires to be purified  seven times.

Genesis 3 Eve's Pain

We don't mean to but we often give to out loved ones what they shouldn't have only later having to deal with the pain that we've caused and the judgment. It is whn we deceive others that it hurts us today and in the future.

Why Didn't You Come To My Rescue....

GOD I am sorry to ask you so please don't be angry with me
Why do you never come to my rescue until someone has made
a mess of me or I have made a mess of things? Because I lack understanding
it seems that you do more ignoring me than loving me.
I can not come up to you but you can come  up to me. When my stepfather was
damaging us why did you ignore us? Why as child did you not protect or defend me.
From the first moment I heard about you I believed that you were real; I believed
that you had given David the strength to be Goliath and that you had shut the mouths
of Lions for Daniel. You sounded like the GOD for me the one that defends his people,
but that's not what I found when I was growing up. You had favorites favorite people,
favorite families, favorite nations, favorite colors and the rest of us should be grateful
for the crumbs.



by El Nahtan DaSeer

John in his gospel records that when he saw Jesus he asked is it you or do we look for another?
People are still asking JESUS this question today. Most people are still looking for something that GOD has placed right in front of their face. But still they are constantly looking for another...another husband, another job, another life, another, relationship, another home even another Messiah.
In fact most people become professional lookers and never settle down or settle in to the fact that GOD will send salvation right to their face. They are so constantly looking that they never stop to ask is this it?
Sometimes you spend so much time preparing for something that you don't even recognize it when it comes, even when it's right in front of your face... He came amongst his own and they perceived him not....And JESUS response? My actions will confirm my identity, who I am is the eye opener to the blind, the finder of the lost sheep, the releaser of the chained, restorer to the hearing impaired. Have you come face to face with the miracle maker? Did you recognize him? STILL SEEKING WHAT YOU ALREADY FOUND...John was prepared to keep looking but when he met JESUS the word made him know that he had come to the end of a journey.
To answer you question John, you have found it and need not look for another. For the presence of GOD standing in front of you is the end of a quest.
To know if you have found what you are looking for you must know what you seek...The intereations between the cousins great but greater, the searcher and the finder, the preparer and the on whom he prepared for,


The gospel teaches us through John how our relationship with Christ ought to mature, when we find Him we decrease so that HE can increase. those that we have disciple we bring them to JESUS and leave them in the care of the Father.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


What's on you mind?

Gratitude without the attitude. Over the years I have learned to be more thankful than complaining. My complaining makes me feel like it nullifies my gratefulness. I feel a sense of guilt when I  make a disappointment. So in reality I am struggling to cross a incomplete bridge whose shores of peace and comfort seem unreachable.  Waves of pessimism floods my mind night and  day drowning me in futility. Even my voice is swimming with my inner pain, but I don't want to be known for my complaining. Much has been given to me, blessings sometimes have found me, but it seems that is never enough. I have become a prisoner to my past and a doubter of my future. The only light I see is the one that lights my way to my cave. I fight against the sense of entitlement or against thinking someone owes me something. My sword fights to the death with Pride swelling up, playing like it's tough; in reality it's a weakness. Sometimes you just get tired of living off the crumbs. My point is that there is a me 'that always is' and a me 'that wants to be'. One has stayed to long and the other refuse to come.

Is this how it will always be?

A eight year old boy spent most of his days waiting for his father to come and rescue him, the heartbreak of that relationship is another story that is far too sensitive to be told in this short story. My step father was a alcoholic and abusive. My Mother was overworked and liked playing clueless. In her fatigue she let things happen that was traumatic and damaging. I don't want to blame her, but you can never get better until you at least expose the wound. Most holidays was marred with excessive drinking which eventually led to fights and my mother like most woman became the victim of physical abuse. dealing with the pain of not being strong enough to stop it is not something a child should have to deal with, the warrior in me died and the fight in me became uncontrollable. Traumatized children and terrified mother is this how it would always be? The devil had planted the seed in my mind. I needed a hero and I was at the age to believe that GOD would send me one. So I waited in expectation and romanticized about that hero. One holiday started out very special for a boy that had no fatherly love his uncles became his hero, as well as coaches, the pastor, other athletes any man that seemed to control his destiny and will his power. My uncle, was a airborne ranger from the Army he was home from Vietnam and now living in the virgin islands. His presence alone made me feel that everything would be ok. But any thoughts of grandeur or celebration didn't last long soon the drinking and enjoyment gave way to the violence and the fighting---just as it always had, but this time things would be different, or so I thought. Fortunately. this would not be the night that my mother would have to run for her life or receive the brunt of all the blows. I guess that my stepfather should have known that retribution would come one day, but he was arrogant and clueless when drinking---so he started some shit with my Uncle looking on; bad move on hid part. After he received a few broken ribs, a broken finger and busted jaw we found ourselves in my uncles brand new conversion van speeding to Columbus, Georgia. My hero had come and I fell asleep in the van resting for the first time in years, and just when I thought that I had finally been rescued I woke up in horror. The van was pulling back in the driveway of our house, if you could call it that and my heart sank. I can not tell you the disappointment that I felt and the fear of 'what's next' that raced through my mind like a wild fire. My sister and I lost it sobbing uncontrollably and my mother's only reply was that she couldn't leave like that. I knew that meant she didn't want to. I don't think I ever recovered. My heart shattered into a thousand pieces being the moment I realized 'this is how things always is'. In this life there is no such things as heroes and no such thing as happily ever after. Heaven seemed to have labeled some of us the 'rug' to be walked over.

Watching someone being abused and you are powerless to help them is far worse than it happening to you. Children traumatized and abused without any weapons to fight back is gut wrenching, a pain in ones heart that never seems to go away.  Growing older simple means it morphs into something else, still not healing. It does something to your mind-all you can do is reason that this is how it always is. The pent up anger, frustration, and bitterness has chased me with its offer of a murderous spirit. Up to now GOD  has kept me one step in front, but over the years it has gained distance. The murderous spirit haunts my dreams at night and in the day, I seems to think I can become the hero I never found. But there is no retribution for hard training. If what we go through makes us who we are then we can choose to use it or lose it. It is from this time that I lost confidence and esteem in myself, feeling inadequate with my size, my power, esteem crashed and confidence never matured. I spent most of my life wishing I was bigger and stronger, meaner, or had ruthless brothers. I was mad at my life and everything I was part of seemed weak. I admired the super heroes Superman, Batman, Ultra-man anyone that could make villains pay and control their own destiny. Fantasy and illusion became better than my reality. It was during this time that the seed of warfare was planted since I always felt under attack. I lost my sense of peace, it has never returned. Great things can be happening all around me never to me, even if they comes my way I never enjoy it. I keep waiting for the boom and the bam meaning the party or celebration is about to turn violent. Even if the violence doesn't actually  happens it does to me in my mind. My needle is stuck  in the past and the rewind refuses to advance.  My finger is always on the trigger-the bullets never seem to have any effect on the enemy-I still seem powerless. I turned to GOD and things got worse, now I feel like a coward.  Like I am hiding behind GOD, but GOD will quickly break you out of that because in my greatest need HE doesn't answer. let, me clarify its no indictment against the one that has kept me and spared me it just means GOD doesn't let you use HIM. That the way it just is and the way it has always been and the way it will always be.

Friday, April 12, 2019

#theLordtaketh away #nathanielakersteachings #fromthemouthofthecave

Should You Possess...

The land of Israel was a beautiful place, obtained through conquests and favor from GOD. Years before God promised that he would give to Abraham a land of milk and honey. Possessions that would represent the favor of GOD, and the land that stretched from Gaza to the sea was that possession. But those possessions would be contingent on there obedience to GOD.  Mankind ever mindful that the LORD giveth and the LORD taketh away. Losing the favor of the LORD was not just about lost possession, but about losing the possessor of life's favor. Disobedience destroys beauty and favor, if GOD is not smiling at you then he is frowning at you---I don't have to tell you that's not good for you or your health. Ezekiel 33:23-33 GOD ASK ISREAL SHALL THEY POSSESS IT? SHALL DISOBEDIENCE AND REBELLION POSSESS OR KEEP WHAT GOD HAS GIVEN? the answer is NO!  No one that rebels, not obeying GOD shall keep his possession-- even if GOD loved them and favored them. GOD's clear instructions are found starting in Deuteronomy in the 26th chapter through chapter 28.
I am reminded in my own life, marked by the loss of happiness, peace, and possessions; when GOD is not pleased the loss of favor means the loss of a abundant life. Ezekiel had to prophesy to a people that had been use to GOD's favor--- that they are not GOD's favorite anymore. Only turning from their wicked ways would cause GOD to show them mercy. Until then each man will be judged according to his own ways. The watchmen was selected for this very reason that he may warn the people of GOD's judgement and overt a divine massacre. Job warned Nineveh and they wore sackcloth and ashes so GOD spared them. Surely, the people of GOD would be devastated and turn from their wickedness. GOD will not have to strip them bare and they will not have to withstand desolation. These humbled farmers that the LORD gave courage and skill as warriors found themselves in disobedience to the LORD of hosts.
The people of Jericho had entrenched themselves in the land hiding behind a wall that gave them a sense of security. Jericho had won victories because of this massive structure and military ingenuity. GOD WAS NOT IMPRESSED. Israel never fought the people of Jericho, but simply praised around the wall and it crumbled. Possessing the favor was more than possessing the land. Once you lose the favor of GOD it is all but over. Jesus said that we would be the salt of the earth, but if the salt loses it flavor how can it be salted again? Sometimes in life their are no 'do overs' or rewinds.